Dev Environment
Web3 version + Solidity compiler version + Truffle + Node
git clone
to clone this repo.Run
cd savetoken
npm install
to install all dependencies.
Testing and Deployment
To run a forked mainnet with Ganache, open a tab in your terminal and run:
ganache-cli -e 1000 -f NODE_URL --unlock "0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95" --unlock "0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F" --unlock "0x98CC3BD6Af1880fcfDa17ac477B2F612980e5e33"
In another tab,
into the project and run:
truffle test --network mainlocal
Last updated