
The IAsset interface makes it easy for developers to build custom support for any asset token protocol.

All asset adapters must inherit from and adhere to the IAsset interface.

interface IAsset {
    function hold(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256);
    function getCostOfAsset(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256);
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256);
    function withdrawReward() external returns (uint256);
    function getRewardsBalance() external returns (uint256);
    function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount)
        external returns (bool);


Gets the interest-bearing, asset tokens

function hold(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256)
  • parameter: amount, the number underlying tokens to lend in order to receive and hold corresponding asset tokens

  • returns: the number of asset tokens received

This function is called hold so that it is appropriate both for interest-bearing assets (which are typically acquired by depositing an underlying token such as DAI or USDC in an interest-generating protocol) as well as for non-interest-bearing assets such as WETH or UNI who's value a saver may way to protect with insurance.


Calculates the amount of underlying tokens needed to receive and hold a certain amount of asset tokens

function getCostOfAsset(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256)
  • parameter: amount, the number of asset tokens for which the underlying token cost will be calculated

  • returns: the number of underlying tokens needed to receive and hold a certain amount of asset tokens

This function will typically only apply to interest-bearing assets, where the cost is the amount of underlying token (such as DAI or USDC) needed to deposit into the interest-generating protocol in order to receive the amount of interest-bearing tokens.


Withdraws underlying tokens in exchange for the asset tokens.

function withdraw(uint256 amount) external returns (uint256)
  • parameter: amount, the number of asset tokens to redeem in exchange for the underlying tokens

  • returns: the amount of underlying tokens withdrawn


Withdraws rewards or governance tokens that have been yielded from the adapter's lending protocol (e.g., COMP tokens yielded from lending to the Compound protocol via the CompoundAdapter).

function withdrawReward() external returns (uint256)
  • returns: the number of rewards or governance tokens withdrawn


Returns the balance of rewards or governance tokens that have been yielded from the adapter's lending protocol (e.g., COMP tokens yielded from lending to the Compound protocol via the CompoundAdapter).

function getRewardsBalance() external returns (uint256)
  • returns: the balance of rewards or governance tokens that have accrued


Handles transferring the asset tokens from a rewards farmer proxy to a recipient's rewards farmer proxy in the event a SaveToken holder wishes to transfer their SaveTokens.

function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool)
  • parameter: recipient, The address receiving the asset tokens in their rewards farmer proxy

  • parameter: amount, The number of asset tokens to transfer

  • returns: true if executed successfully


Handles transferring the asset tokens from a rewards farmer proxy to a recipient's rewards farmer proxy in the event a SaveToken holder wishes to transferFrom their SaveTokens

function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount)
        external returns (bool)
  • parameter: sender, The address sending the asset tokens from their rewards farmer proxy

  • parameter: recipient, The address receiving the asset tokens in their rewards farmer proxy

  • parameter: amount, The number of asset tokens to transfer

  • returns: true if executed successfully

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